We’re Here for You
An Age-Old Storyline We’ve All Experienced
We’ve come a long way since the days of calling women's health concerns “female hysteria.” But, many modern women still experience a sense of not being taken seriously — especially when it comes to our hormonal and reproductive health and sexual wellness.
A Shared Experience
Similarly, we had episodes in our own lives in which we felt we weren’t being heard or seen. Our female health and wellness problems and insecurities weren’t given the earnest attention we’d hoped for. Other times, we only had pharmaceuticals, devices, and invasive procedures offered as treatment options. Many of these remedies have serious risks and side effects or long recoveries. When we asked about gentler, more natural alternatives, our doctors were often not equipped to make any recommendations.
An Important Awakening
At some point, it dawned on us that our questions and concerns are real, do matter, and deserve thoughtful consideration. We had the epiphany that we weren’t alone — countless other women not only have the same reproductive and sexual well-being needs and challenges, but they’re having the same difficulties we did. We realized that there was a need for a new and improved way of addressing women’s wellness. A way that helped women get answers, find support, and ultimately towards healing and empowerment.
A Call to Rise
It was a short walk from that notion to the decision to create Goddess Well. We wanted to offer women innovative women’s health and wellness solutions that are grounded in the love and respect for women and lean into the ancient benefits of plant-based therapies. We’re in this together. We’re abandoning what no longer serves us. There is hope!